"In case of Emergency”, video, 2:23, 2016 (Video produced by aricoco / Credits: Costume by Motomimi/Performers: Motomimi, SEN Tadatoshi, aricoco/Photography: SEN Tadatoshi, Eddie Mah/Filmed by Kenneth Mah) For information on Motomimi: https://www.motomimi.com + SEN Tadatoshi: http://www.senphotography.net

SONAE AREBA UREI NASHI: “If you are prepared, you will have no worries”

​This video was made specifically for the group show "In Case of Emergency”,​ which featured works by Motomimi, SEN Tadatoshi, and aricoco. The show, presented by HERE art center in 2016, was to commemorate the 5th anniversary of Great Eastern Japan Earthquake that caused the tsunami triggering the nuclear blast in Fukushima, Japan.

In this piece, aricoco questions the helpless human actions often used to protect against the power of both natural and man­made disasters by investigating “emergency drills.” Suited up in Motomimi’s colorfully tailored Bosai Hoods – civilian “disaster­preventing” gear reminiscent of wartime Japan – aricoco explores their distressed optimism that they someday perfect their evacuation skills. The clumsy, awkward nature of the drills feel ineffective, a type of desperate play, yet the sudden closeness and common humanity reveal their struggle and desperate hope to survive an actual disaster, each moment, together.