“The Lazy One” from Dress for Today no.9 - The Lazy One

“Greeter” from Dress for Today no.9 - The Lazy One

“Nurse” from Dress for Today no.9 - The Lazy One

“Soldier” from Dress for Today no.9 - The Lazy One

“Mortician” from Dress for Today no.9 - The Lazy One

“Waste Manager” from Dress for Today no.9 - The Lazy One

“Our Queen” from Dress for Today no.9 - The Lazy One, 116”x66”x10”, Mixed media, 2023

Queen’s Shadow, 64”x72”, Mixed Media, 2023
Dress for Today no.9 - The Lazy One, 2023, Performance for video
Dress for Today no.9 - The Lazy One